The InSider

The benefits of a custom, tailor-made suit for your Big Day (and any day).

Written by Team InStitchu | Aug 22, 2017 3:18:21 AM

Whether you are all prepared for your country-style wedding, or you are geared up and ready to go for your Gatsby-style gala, we know that you have almost got all the details to your wedding down pat to the very finest detail (most likely with the help of your stressed out Bride-to-be of course). There is one more thing to get right for your big day, and it is one of the most essential elements to a picture perfect wedding—the suit. There is an ongoing debate between the benefits of purchasing off-the-rack versus tailor-made suits for the Groom and his Groomsmen. At InStitchu, we are obviously strong advocates of being on Team tailor-made–below you will find our key reasons why. 

Perfect Fit
Every man has his own unique body and build. Tall, short, skinny, or broad, there is no right or wrong to that body or build, but there is most certainly a right and wrong way to getting a suit to fit that body. When you purchase off-the-rack in a store, you can look for your size, however this would only be an approximation, as these sizes are made to fit millions of suit-seekers just like yourself. You will find that when you get home, your shoulders may be sagging, even if you can button the suit up with ease. Go for a custom, tailor-made suit, and you will find yourself getting measured by an expert in order to get the suit that perfectly fits you. Every element of your body from your arms to your neck will be considered when crafting the final product– and just like that, just as you’ve found “the one” in a partner, you will feel the same about the suit too.

Quality Materials and Workmanship
Your wedding day is not the day to skimp out on a suit and choose the cheaper option–these wedding photos are mostly likely going to be shared with your entire family and friendship circle forever. So why would you choose daggy over dapper? Even the most expensive suits you buy off-the-rack are mass produced to a standard pattern. No matter what materials are used, there is an assembly line approach in the factories they are made in, as minor flaws are often overlooked. Opt for a custom, tailor-made suit, and you will find that it will be created with old-fashioned craftsmanship and precision, with quality materials used, and each stitch carefully inspected. A last-minute split in the seams is not an option for your special day. 

Quality Materials and Workmanship
Your wedding day is not the day to skimp out on a suit and choose the cheaper option–these wedding photos are mostly likely going to be shared with your entire family and friendship circle forever. So why would you choose daggy over dapper? Even the most expensive suits you buy off-the-rack are mass produced to a standard pattern. No matter what materials are used, there is an assembly line approach in the factories they are made in, as minor flaws are often overlooked. Opt for a custom, tailor-made suit, and you will find that it will be created with old-fashioned craftsmanship and precision, with quality materials used, and each stitch carefully inspected. A last-minute split in the seams is not an option for your special day.

Customise Until Your Heart’s Content
As opposed to an off-the-rack suit from a high-end boutique or department store where you are limited by the styles on display, opting for a custom, tailor-made suit will essentially let you be the artist in creating the suit of your dreams. From the fabric, lapels, collar style, down to the very button, you will be given the freedom to express all of your suiting desires. You may wish to gather your Groomsmen to create a winning design and choose little custom differences like initial monogramming that (along with personal measurements) make each suit unique–the world of tailor-made suiting, is truly your oyster.

A Tailor-Made Suit is a True Investment
Your Bride has her designer dress ready, pre-ordered from eight months ago, with a price tag that you may like to turn a blind-eye towards (for now). So how much are you willing to invest in your suit? There is a modern myth that tailor-made suits are double the cost of the off-the-rack option. This is a myth that we have expelled at InStitchu, and, If you do opt-in for fabric that is on the higher end of the price scale, do realise that this is a worthy investment. Custom, tailored suits, with a quick swap and a switch of accessories, can be worn to the next event, and will last you many years. With quality used, and expert levels of craftsmanship adopted during its creation, you will find that your suit will not be experiencing wear-out in the near future. An off-the-rack suit could fit, but may not fit all of your groomsmen– a custom, tailor made suit will fit perfectly. In fact, a tailor-made suit is all a part of the fun in getting married. Leave your measurements up to the experts, get together your Groomsmen, enjoy an old world tailoring experience (and whisky), and opt-in for creating the tailor-made suit that will get you shining on your special day.